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Jeff Random: musings and metatheory » Search Engine Spammers – The Unsung Heroes?

Jeff Random

musings and metatheory

Search Engine Spammers – The Unsung Heroes?

Do yourself a favor. Close the door, turn on your speakers and devote seven minutes to watching this flash movie .


When I first came across this about a year ago it blew my mind. It’s a tiny bit dated, but still incredible. Go ahead, watch it now! (then read the rest of this post)

While I think some of the specifics are unlikely (or even silly) the examples of the New Media Economics and business models are brilliant. The personalized content meme is definitely out there.

Today at SEO Blackhat I saw a very interesting question tied to the Googlezon idea.

“Who is really pioneering the computer generated content, the rewording and content scraping technology of the Web?

SEO Black Hats

Search engine spam technology keeps improving, so search engines keep evolving. The best SE spammers are the ones who provide as close to EXACTLY what the search engine is looking for as possible. The best search engine is the one that finds as close to EXACTLY what the user is looking for as possible. Therefore as search engines improve, SE spammers will have to evolve as well to deliver EXACTLY what the user is looking for, transforming them from a hated nuisance to a valued resource.

6 Responses to “Search Engine Spammers – The Unsung Heroes?”

  1. Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: WP_Comment % int in /home/httpd/html/jeffrandom.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/capricorn/comments.php:29 Stack trace: #0 /home/httpd/html/jeffrandom.com/public_html/wp-includes/comment-template.php(1556): require() #1 /home/httpd/html/jeffrandom.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/capricorn/index.php(13): comments_template() #2 /home/httpd/html/jeffrandom.com/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(106): include('...') #3 /home/httpd/html/jeffrandom.com/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('...') #4 /home/httpd/html/jeffrandom.com/public_html/index.php(17): require('...') #5 {main} thrown in /home/httpd/html/jeffrandom.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/capricorn/comments.php on line 29